Hola Estoy de Vuelta de Algún Lugar En Abandonar

It’s been awhile. Spending months in and out medical facility due to severe depression and on off physical illness. Finally i come back. I think it’s been 8 months. Probably. I can’t remember. These 2 months i bulldozing myself with self taught Spanish lesson. Well getting a hand of this. At the same time, i learn Russian, German and Swedish. 4 in 1. A bit too far, maybe.

It should be fine, but recent event tickled negative enzymes, cause me another sleepless nights. I witnessed death, a dog, actually. My dog. At first she belong to that el cabrón Asians, they left her after they moved out secretly. I named her Idiot because she waited for her owners to come back, didn’t know they abandoned her.

I don’t want to talk much about this. Make it simple. She hit by cars the day she followed me to work. Everything in front of my eyes. 2 strikes. She gone. Everyday when i walk pass that spot, her last voice echoing shoutout. I miss her. I didn’t treat her well enough, at first, for i hate her owners, hated her too. Her blood stains still visible.

The moment she turned against her owners, that’s when i changed my mind. Never thought of, 2 weeks after, that’s her ending. Cried like a retarded baby. People laughed at my silliness. “It just a dog, bitch!”. “Why would you mourn for haram creature?” That’s saddened me most.

Give me time. I will evaporate details in coming posts. Getting emotional as i type about her.

I’m so sorry, Idiot, for i have failed you.

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